Articles Posted in Driving Tips

Spring has sprung! And, for many of us, that means getting back to enjoying the sunshine, warm temperatures, and longer hours of daylight. To take advantage of this, many people are outside on the busy streets walking, jogging, running, and cycling.

While being outdoors and exercising can be great for your physical and mental health, you must also be aware of the safety issues that come along with this choice. Far too often, I see pedestrians and cyclist ignoring the rules of the road. It only takes one quick second for this ignorance to backfire on you.

defensive drivingAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 94 percent of accidents are due to human error. Whether you are a new or experienced driver, it is never a bad idea to adopt a more defensive approach to driving.

The National Safety Council defines defensive driving as “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.” The main goal of defensive driving is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others.

children riding ATVI am sure we have all seen someone carelessly riding an all-terrain vehicle down the road and thought to ourselves how dangerous those vehicles can be. This is especially true when we see children riding or operating these machines. ATVs have become vastly popular with almost 8 million of them in use today. But, with their growing popularity also comes record numbers of riders in the emergency room or dead.

Many children grow up riding ATVs and see no danger in them. Many parents even allow their children to operate these types of vehicles from an incredibly young age without ever obtaining a proper license or wearing protective gear. However, I highly doubt any parent would allow their minor child to get behind the wheel of their car before having a license or permit, so why do we see children driving ATVs and other off-road vehicles so frequently?

driving_school_zone-300x199With the beginning of the new school year comes several readjustments for adults and students alike. In addition to shifting schedules and routines, we see increased vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

This congestion of the roads demands special attention and precaution, particularly in school zones. As reported by the Transportation Research Board, over 100 children are killed walking from school annually, where another 25,000 are injured. Because of this, it is imperative that drivers make sure our roads are safe when traveling with such precious passengers.

back_to_school-2-300x200It is just about time to part with summer vacation and welcome in the new back-to-school season.

This particular time of the year can be quite hectic for travel. With increased traffic as young adults and teenagers who are first-time drivers take to the road, streets will once again be filled with buses picking up and dropping off students and bike riders and pedestrians arriving at their respective destinations. 

Summer is finally here and families all across Louisiana are eager to take advantage of the season. Whether you’ll be traveling in state or across state lines to enjoy a little family vacation, you’ll need to remember the importance of vehicle maintenance.

Having your vehicle breakdown on the highway while traveling – or on any other road for that matter – can lead to a disaster. Your New Orleans car accident attorneys at the Cardone Law Firm would like to remind you of a few important tips to keep your summer trip as safe as possible for you and your loved ones.     

April is officially known as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and your Louisiana car accident attorneys here at Cardone Law Firm would like to help spread the message in order to hopefully save lives and keep all drivers safe out on the roads.

Unfortunately, the use of cell phones and other tech while behind the wheel, has made it extremely easy for drivers to get distracted. Consider that five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. If traveling at 55 MPH, that’s enough time to cover the length of a standard-sized football field. Now consider individuals who are traveling at even greater speeds, such as 75 MPH and up.

Riding a bike is an activity enjoyed by many people for a number of reasons. Some people like to ride their bikes for fun or to exercise, and a growing number of people are cycling to commute to and from work, among other places.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there was a 64% increase in people riding their bikes to work from 2000 to 2014.

With a staggering 6 million car accidents in the U.S. annually, it can feel quite risky driving on today’s roads. While eliminating every hazard or risk when driving is impossible, you can still do your part to keep Louisiana roads safer by following these defensive driving tips.

However, if you or a loved one has succumbed to injury or death due to an accident with a commercial vehicle accident, the dependable New Orleans truck accident lawyers at Cardone Law Firm are ready to protect your rights.

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