Articles Posted in Damages

As if rebuilding and recovering after a natural disaster is not difficult enough, individuals must also beware of scammers looking to capitalize off of Hurricane Ida. Unfortunately, opportunists are looking for any way to take advantage of vulnerable people devastated by the storm. The biggest types of scams to watch out for are disaster charity relief scams, insurance scams, and FEMA imposters.

Disaster Charity Relief Scams. Whenever Americans see devastation in the U.S., many people feel inspired to help in any way that they can. Often times this includes donating money or supplies to hurricane relief organizations. However, fraudsters are always ready to take advantage of those giving back.

On August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida ripped through southeast Louisiana as a Category 4 storm causing mass destruction and leaving communities completely devastated. Ida’s powerful winds and heavy rain resulted in many Louisianians being left without power, water, and even homes.

After such a devastating storm like Hurricane Ida, Louisiana residents are eager to start rebuilding and resume normal life. Homeowners who carry private insurance should first file a claim with their insurance company for any disaster-caused damage.

Between traveling to and from work, running errands, taking road trips, and shuffling the kids around, we spend more time in our vehicle than we may realize. Because of this, motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries in the United States.

If you are lucky, you may walk away from the accident with just some scrapes and bruises. But some symptoms may be delayed. For the first few days or weeks, you may not be in any pain at all. However, this does not mean you were not seriously injured. Once the adrenaline has worn off and time has passed, hidden injuries may become noticeable. Because delayed injuries can be dangerous, it is always important to see a physician as soon as possible after an accident.

Each year, Mardi Gras attracts millions of visitors to the Big Easy. It is one of the city’s largest holidays and generates millions of dollars for New Orleans. But, with the massive crowds, rowdy celebrations, and significant alcohol consumption, an accident seems almost inevitable.

So, what happens if you are involved in an accident during the course of a parade?

It can feel overwhelming dealing with the insurance company after an accident. But, the first step in receiving compensation after an accident is to file a claim with the insurance company, so communicating with them is inevitable.

After carefully reviewing your claim, the adjuster assigned to your case will then pay out your claim or deny it. If your claim is denied, there are many reasons why the insurance company did so, which may include:

Imagine one minute you are on your way home from work or just running some errands, and the next thing you know you hear a crashing sound and feel yourself being forcefully flung around in your vehicle.

After an accident, you may be suffering from a devastating injury that can render you unable to return to work for a couple weeks, months, years, or worst of all, forever. Lost wages, loss of earning capacity and outrageous medical expenses can leave you and your family in a terrible financial situation.

When you are involved in a car accident, it is usually the fault of another driver who was not paying attention or was driving carelessly. But, what if you were involved in an intentional accident? One might think to themselves, “why would anyone purposely cause a car accident?” However, the sad reality is that staged car accidents are much more common than you may want to believe.

Individuals who cause staged car accidents are only looking to make a personal injury claim and get a quick check by scamming the insurance company. These types of accidents have caused auto insurance premiums to skyrocket. Insurance companies are having to spend billions of dollars to payout claims for staged accidents.

chidren at schoolSummer vacation is over, and many children are headed back to school for a new year. Schools are required to provide food, shelter, transportation, and adequate supervision for children while under their care. But, just like many other incidents, an accident can happen in the blink of an eye, even while at school.

According to the CDC, more than 200,000 children under the age of 14 sustain brain injuries each year. Most of these accidents happen to occur at school. About 56% of playground injuries result in fractures and contusions. The overall rate of emergency room visits for school related injuries continues to rise.

knee hit on trailer hitchHave you ever been walking down a sidewalk or in a parking lot and almost struck your leg on a trailer hitch? What about a luggage carrier or bike rack protruding from the back of a car? Or maybe you were in a retail store or some other place of business and a shelf or an electrical outlet box was sticking out too far.

Many times pedestrians, invitees, or patrons will be walking in the grocery store or just walking down the street when they strike a protruding object. It is possible that they did not see the object or maybe they saw it but did not have enough time to react before hitting it. Either way, these hazards may cause an individual to trip, slip, or fall to the ground which, in turn, can cause a serious injury.

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