Articles Posted in Auto insurance

Have you ever been involved in a car crash and wondered what you should do next? After making sure that everyone is okay and does not require immediate medical attention, call the police. In many cases, the police officer will come to the scene and write an accident report. This report can be very important for your personal injury claim.

Although an accident report itself is not typically admissible as evidence in court, it is used as a great source of information as to the basic facts of the accident such as location, time, driver information, witness statements, police narrative, and more.

Online shopping and the use of delivery services has become a common practice by millions of Americans. The ability to shop online is saving shoppers time, money, and the stress of dealing with crowded retail stores. The roads are filled with delivery trucks like UPS, FedEx, DHL and Amazon Prime. With this becoming the new norm, the number of commercial delivery trucks on the road has significantly increased.

Naturally, the more delivery trucks on the road, the higher the chance of one of them being involved an accident. Some of the leading causes of delivery truck accidents include:

Last year, Louisiana legislators pushed for one of the State’s biggest tort reform packages since the 1990s in hopes of lowering automobile insurance rates and encouraging out of court settlements. The Civil Justice Reform Act of 2020 (CJRA) was signed into law on July 13, 2020 and became effective on January 1, 2021. These changes are not retroactive and will only apply to any cause of action arising on or after January 1, 2021. The most significant changes include:

Amount in Controversy for Jury Trials. For many decades, jury trials were only available in cases where the amount in controversy exceeded $50,000. In the district court, the threshold has been reduced to $10,000, exclusive of interest and costs. The party seeking a trial by jury is required to post a $5,000 jury bond within 60 days of filing a jury demand. If a party files a jury demand but fails to timely post the bond, then right to a jury is waived. Although the CJRA did not change the jurisdictional limits of city or parish courts, it allows a defendant to seek a transfer to the district court to obtain the right to a trial by jury when the amount in controversy is more than $10,000 and the transfer is made timely.

It can feel overwhelming dealing with the insurance company after an accident. But, the first step in receiving compensation after an accident is to file a claim with the insurance company, so communicating with them is inevitable.

After carefully reviewing your claim, the adjuster assigned to your case will then pay out your claim or deny it. If your claim is denied, there are many reasons why the insurance company did so, which may include:

rental car companiesWhen asked if they would like to purchase insurance for their rental vehicle, many drivers simply decline. No one really expects to be involved in a collision for the short time they are renting a vehicle, so they hope for the best and walk away with the relief of dodging extra expenses.

But, what happens if you get in a car accident while driving a rental? Or even worse, what happens if the driver of a rental vehicle was uninsured? Many people believe that just because the rental company owns the vehicle, that company will be liable for any damage, but this is not the case. You are not off the hook just because you do not own the vehicle or do not have coverage.

When you are involved in a car accident, it is usually the fault of another driver who was not paying attention or was driving carelessly. But, what if you were involved in an intentional accident? One might think to themselves, “why would anyone purposely cause a car accident?” However, the sad reality is that staged car accidents are much more common than you may want to believe.

Individuals who cause staged car accidents are only looking to make a personal injury claim and get a quick check by scamming the insurance company. These types of accidents have caused auto insurance premiums to skyrocket. Insurance companies are having to spend billions of dollars to payout claims for staged accidents.

fender benderMany people know the feeling of frustration when trying to obtain fair compensation for any bodily injury and property damage after getting into a car accident. Auto accidents happen every day to even the most cautious drivers, but are the victims of these accidents telling the truth? Or are they trying to finesse the insurance company?

Unfortunately, honest people often pay the price for those who are out to scam insurance companies. Liars, cheaters, and crooks have no business being plaintiffs in personal injury cases. Especially when there are individuals who are legitimately hurt and would like to pursue a genuine claim, not just get a quick check.

(Houston, TX) A pickup driver admitted to drinking several tequila shots before crashing into a Lyft car and killing its passengers. Erik DeLeon, 21, is facing intoxication manslaughter and intoxication assault charges in the deadly crash, according to Sean Teare, head of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office Vehicular Crimes Division.

DeLeon told police he had just left an establishment before he slammed his pickup into two vehicles, killing the Lyft passenger, who was minutes away from home after flying into Houston from a business trip, Teare said. The passenger was texting his wife during the ride, telling her he was almost home when the crash happened.collision

Distracted Driving not only ruins vehicles, it ruins lives. Adam Miller was born in July of 2003. His mother Cheryl said he was loud, exuberant and loved trains. “It was wonderful to see him set up the whole train set … and make all the different shapes,” she said. “And he would watch the engine pull the rest of the train along.” By the time he began Kindergarten Adam became a big brother to little Eli. He fell in love with school and wanted to be a teacher. On November 15th 2008, a flat tire left Adam and his dad on the side of Plainfield-Naperville Road. Distracted driving simultaneously occurred by an approaching vehicle as the driver bent down to pick up a cigar wrapper. He didn’t spot the father-son duo’s parked vehicle on the side of the road. 

Adam Miller, boy killed due to distracted driving car accident

Distracted Driving ruins lives. Filing a Personal injury claim is crucial after an auto accident.

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