Articles Posted in Around Louisiana

Louisiana road conditions are ranked among some of the worst in the United States. This is especially true in New Orleans, where potholes are nearly unavoidable. A ride through the city can be very bumpy, and it may ultimately put a dent in your wallet.

Flat tires, rim damage, punctured exhaust pipes, broken axles, alignment problems and other damage to the body of the vehicle are just a few ways in which hitting a pothole can damage your automobile. A study done by the American Automobile Association revealed that potholes cost American drivers roughly $3 billion in vehicle repairs annually.

In Louisiana, uninsured/ underinsured motorist insurance (UM/ UIM) follows the person, not the vehicle. So, if you have UM/ UIM coverage and are involved in a motor vehicle accident where the at fault driver is not insured, you will be covered even if you are not in your own vehicle, or any vehicle at all! But, there may be an exclusion in your UM/ UIM policy which could limit your insurance company’s liability.

The “regular use” exclusion contained in many policies excludes an insurance company from liability when an insured driver uses another vehicle they do not own and is not named on their policy, but which they use regularly. The term “regular use” may apply to a vehicle provided to you by your employer for regular transportation to and from work and for everyday work duties.

There are very few individuals who can afford their healthcare entirely out of pocket. This is why a majority of people utilize health insurance which pays for most of the care. If your medical provider is an in-network provider and accepts the insurance you carry, you are guaranteed to be paying much less than if you were not covered.

But what happens when you receive a bill in the mail for services that you believed were covered by your insurance? This typically occurs when you have a motor vehicle accident and go to your family doctor using your health insurance to pay for the visit. Your health insurance company pays for most of your care, but then the doctor sends you a bill for the uncovered portion. Is that legal?

Each year, Mardi Gras attracts millions of visitors to the Big Easy. It is one of the city’s largest holidays and generates millions of dollars for New Orleans. But, with the massive crowds, rowdy celebrations, and significant alcohol consumption, an accident seems almost inevitable.

So, what happens if you are involved in an accident during the course of a parade?

New Orleans thrives off of tourism. Millions of people visit the city each year to enjoy the unique music, exquisite cuisine, beautiful architecture, culture, festivals, and particularly Mardi Gras parades. But, what if one of those tourists suffer an injury during their visit?

Unfortunately, many visitors can be involved in an accident while on vacation. Not only does it put a damper on your vacation plans, an accident can also have long term effects such as life changing injuries and outstanding medical bills. The most common injuries include pedestrian accidents, vehicle accidents, and slip and falls in hotels, restaurants, or bars.

When you are involved in a car accident, it is usually the fault of another driver who was not paying attention or was driving carelessly. But, what if you were involved in an intentional accident? One might think to themselves, “why would anyone purposely cause a car accident?” However, the sad reality is that staged car accidents are much more common than you may want to believe.

Individuals who cause staged car accidents are only looking to make a personal injury claim and get a quick check by scamming the insurance company. These types of accidents have caused auto insurance premiums to skyrocket. Insurance companies are having to spend billions of dollars to payout claims for staged accidents.

fender benderMany people know the feeling of frustration when trying to obtain fair compensation for any bodily injury and property damage after getting into a car accident. Auto accidents happen every day to even the most cautious drivers, but are the victims of these accidents telling the truth? Or are they trying to finesse the insurance company?

Unfortunately, honest people often pay the price for those who are out to scam insurance companies. Liars, cheaters, and crooks have no business being plaintiffs in personal injury cases. Especially when there are individuals who are legitimately hurt and would like to pursue a genuine claim, not just get a quick check.

louisiana highwayJust a few months ago, many states began implementing stay-at-home orders due to the Coronavirus outbreak. As a result of more people staying at home, the number of commuters on the road drastically dropped. With less traffic and congestion on our highways, one would think that the number of motor vehicle accidents also plummeted. But, the truth is the exact opposite of what you would believe.

The National Safety Council reported that the number of motor vehicle fatalities per mile driven increased by 14% in March 2020 compared with March 2019. Although the number of miles driven dropped by over 18%, these deadly accidents continued to increase. In March 2019, the mileage death rate per 100 million miles driven was 1.07. Comparably, this number rose to 1.22 in March of this year. This includes drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclist.

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