
Taking the Necessary Steps for Success in Your Louisiana Chain-Reaction Accident Case

Injury-causing chain-reaction accidents are stressful and potentially legally complicated. Don’t go it alone — get the knowledgeable legal counsel you need for a successful outcome.

When you are injured in a chain-reaction accident, you are likely feeling many things. First and foremost, you may be struggling with the aftermath of the accident. This may range from physical pain to emotional angst regarding lost time at work or mounting medical bills. On top of all that, though, you must act in a timely manner to pursue your rights in court and get the damages award you need. That’s where experienced legal counsel can help. You can focus on yourself, while your skilled Louisiana injury attorney focuses on the legal aspects of getting you the compensation you deserve.

An accident in the Shreveport area was an example of this kind of wreck, and this type of litigation. B.K. rear-ended D.K. who then rear-ended T.S. T.S. sued and, in that action, named D.K. (the middle driver) and D.K.’s insurer, along with B.K. (the rear driver) and his insurance company, as defendants.

In T.S.’s case, his was a lawsuit seeking only property damages. At his trial, he had a qualified expert who gave opinion testimony about the amount of property damage that T.S. had suffered. Specifically, the expert testified that the accident had reduced the value of T.S.’s 2014 Camaro by $5,295. The trial court eventually entered a judgment finding B.K. 100% at fault and awarding T.S. in the amount of $5,295.

B.K.’s insurance company appealed, but lost. Contrary to the insurer’s arguments, T.S. had sufficient proof, including expert evidence, to back up his claim to the $5,295 sum of damages.

As was pointed out above, this was a property damage auto accident case. However, T.S.’s success has some very good lessons for people involved in personal injury auto accident cases. First, there was the procedural or trial practice decision-making side of T.S.’s pursuit of his claim. T.S. sued both of the other drivers involved in his chain reaction accident and their insurers. In the final outcome, D.K. was 0% at fault, so neither he nor his insurer were liable, but naming all the drivers involved ensured that T.S. would not miss out on a full and fair recovery due to an unnamed party being deemed liable. In your personal injury case, when it comes to getting much needed compensation for past and future medical expenses and other harms, it is very important to be sure that you have named everyone who may potentially be liable, in whole or in part, in causing your accident.

Additionally, there was the evidentiary side of the case. T.S. won, at least in part, because he had persuasive expert testimony on his side. In his case, his witness was an expert on sports car values. In your case, the key to getting all of the compensation you need may rest upon the presentation of persuasive experts in other fields, such as doctors, physical therapists or accident reconstruction professionals.

In the end, success relies upon knowing how to pursue your case the right way, both on the factual side and the legal/procedural side. You need the right evidence and you need the right trial strategies. Both of these are places where skilled counsel can make the difference between a robust success or a painful setback.

Contact the Cardone Law Firm to find out more about how our diligent Louisiana injury lawyers can help you get the positive results you need. For your confidential consultation, contact us online or phone Cardone at 504-522-3333.

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