
100 Deadliest Days of Summer

Summer is arguably the best season. It consists of sunshine, road trips, barbecues, and all sorts of outdoor fun. But, it can also bring an increased risk of drunk driving accidents.

Many people are simply more carefree and relaxed in the summer. There is a lot to do and activities such as vacations, holidays, and social gatherings involve the consumption of alcohol. As many of us know, the legal drinking age is 21 years old and the legal drinking limit is .08.

man driving with beerUnfortunately, many people surpass their drinking limit and end up driving drunk. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving accidents spike between the months of May and September. In fact, the number of summer accidents are two times the amount of all of the other months combined.

Drunk driving involving teens is also serious. School is out and many young people are looking to hang with their friends and have a good time, however this often involves making careless mistakes. The phrase “100 Deadliest Days of Summer” has a harsh reality behind the meaning. This refers to the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day in which car accidents involving teens sharply increase. Among speeding and distracted driving, driving under the influence is a main factor contributing to these teen car crashes. Although teens are not legally permitted to drink, it inevitably occurs, so we must ensure that our teens are being safe and mindful.

With that said, drunk driving is a serious issue in Louisiana among all age groups, not just teens. In recent years, state legislators have been forced to crack down and increase penalties for DWI and DUI. In 2019, Louisiana had 4.64 drunk driving deaths per 100,000 people. This statistic ranked the State ninth in most alcohol induced car accident fatalities.

If you see a drunk driver on the road and can avoid an accident, you should do everything you can to save yourself and others from colliding with an impaired motorist. The most common ways to tell that a car is driving drunk is if they are speeding, driving slowly, swerving in and out of lanes, driving recklessly, or blowing through traffic lights.

drunk driverRemember to follow these tips on what to do if you see a drunk driver on the road:
• Slow down, keep your distance and do not follow close behind any vehicle suspected to have a drunk driver
• Take a mental note of the vehicle’s description and possibly their license plate number
• Call 911 after you have pulled to the side of the road

There is never a good excuse for driving while intoxicated. Stay safe and be cognizant of other drivers on the road. Click here to learn more about DWI/ DUI related accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident, let us help you. Contact us today for a free consultation. PHONE CARDONE at 504-522-3333, 225-706-3920 (Baton Rouge office) or email us at ccardone@cardonelaw.com.

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